
Trevor Who? by Liam Wallace

Trevor is a menace on a bike - but you would never know it. Photos of him riding, elusive, videos - unheard of. He prides himself being the fastest guy in Whistler with no sponsors. I recently got some new equipment and talked him into being a model for an afternoon. A typical ride will have him beating the shuttle truck on the way up and barely staying on his wheel on the way down.

Thank you for your patience, Trevor. Keep up the good fight.

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Lord of The Squirrels: The Glampening by Liam Wallace

Some friends and I took it upon ourselves to live the life styles of the rich and famous atop one of Whistler most scenic alpine mountain bike rides. In this effort we sought to have an unforgettable experience. From the long pedal up from our respective places of work, meeting, then pedalling upwards for 4.5 hours. To an unreal scene in the golden hour with all of Whistler in its glory in the background, we will never forget it.

Spending the night beside the alpine lake was beautiful albeit full of bugs, which in hindsight probably wasn’t the best idea…

With the group vote in the morning to forego a quick power hour loop to the weather station due the the unforeseen amount of insects, we opted to descend into the inversion that plagued the valley that day. Primed with coffee and some alpine Corn Pops keeping our spirits warm, trudging onwards into the valley below we went riding.

Below is a collection of some of the images from the trip.